Resource Links
Coalitions and Prevention Services
Youth Universal Prevention Program - provide prevention education services for youth
Taylor Alliance for Prevention (TAP)Big Country Human Trafficking Coalition
Abilene Violence Prevention Coalition
Free Publications
SAMHSA Publications
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Mental Health America
Child Welfare Information Gateway – topics related to child welfare, child abuse and neglect, adoption, and more
National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth
How to Handle Bullying (Open Colleges)
Bullying (Medline Plus)
Bullying (National Crime Prevention Council)
Connect For Respect-Bullying (National PTA)
Cyberbullying (National Crime Prevention Council)
Cyberbullying Research Center
Internet Safety/Sexting
Sexting: How Parents Can Keep Their Kids Safe (National Crime Prevention Council) -PDF
Sexting: How Teens Can Stay Safe (National Crime Prevention Council) - PDF
Internet Safety (Nemours Foundation)
Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens (Nemours Foundation)
Safe Cyberspace Surfing (Nemours Foundation)
Parents Guide to Internet Safety
Child Safety
Synthetic Cannabis (Wikipedia)
Gambling/Online Gambling
Compulsive Gambling (Medline Plus)
Sexual Addiction
The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) Offers hope and resources to those seeking information about sexual addiction.
Compulsive Sexual Behavior (Mayo Clinic)
Sex Addiction (WebMD)
Sexual Addiction (Wikipedia)
What Is Sexual Addiction? (PsychCentral)
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
Sexual Addiction Recovery Resources
Sex Addiction (Addiction Articles)
HIV/AIDS (both general and substance abuse-specific
HIV/STD pamphlets/educational materials from DSHS
AIDS (Medline Plus)
The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource
HIV/AIDS & Drug/Alcohol Use (The Body: The Complete HIV/AIDS Resource)
HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Frequent Alcohol Use Linked to Faster HIV Disease Progression (Science Daily) – 5/14/10
Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS: Related Resources (HIV InSite, UC San Francisco)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
HIV/STD pamphlets/educational materials from DSHS
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Medline Plus)
Dating Violence
Teen Violence (Medline Plus)
Domestic Violence (Medline Plus)
Dating Violence (National Center for Victims of Crime)
Teen Dating Violence (CDC)
Sexual Assult
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Abstinence (Nemours Foundation)
Abstinence: American Pregnancy Association
Abstinence (Planned Parenthood)
Prescription Drugs
Prescription Drug Abuse (Medline Plus)
Prescription Drugs and Cold Medicines (NIDA)
NIDA for Teens on Prescription Drug Abuse
Alcohol and Energy Drinks
Alcohol, Energy Drinks, and Youth: A Dangerous Mix (The Marin Institute)
Alcoholic Energy Drinks: A Risky Mix (TIME)
Dangerous Cocktail: Energy Drinks + Alcohol (WebMD)
Mixing Alcohol and Energy Drinks May Spell Disaster (Alcohol Problems and Solutions)
Senators Call on FDA to Rule on Alcoholic Energy Drinks (NPR) – 7/29/10
Social Hosting
Social Host – Information and Brochure (MADD)
Social Hosting Ordinances by state (
Anti-Energy Drinks/Purple Drank
Drank: The Anti-Energy Drink (NPR)
Cough Syrup Abuse
Cold and Cough Medicines (Medline Plus)
Cough and Cold Medicine Abuse (Nemours Foundation)
Smokeless Tobacco
Smokeless Tobacco (Medline Plus)
Snus (Wikipedia)
What is the New Tobacco Product Snus? (WikiAnswers)
Smokeless Tobacco and the U.S. Launch of Snus (Better Health)
Hookahs (CDC)
Hookah (Wikipedia)
Cigars not as dangerous (myth)
Cigars (American Lung Association)
Cigar Smoking and Cancer (National Cancer Institute)
Pipe and Cigar Smoking and Lung Function (American College of Physicians)
Marijuana/Tobacco Health Difference
Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. Sample (Jnl. of General Internal Medicine)
Myth: Marijuana Is Harmless ( Alcoholism)
Underage Drinking
Underage Drinking (Medline Plus)
Underage Drinking: Talk Early, Talk Often (SAMHSA)
Underage Drinking Laws (Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission)
Teen Pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy (Medline Plus)
Pregnancy and Substance Abuse (Medline Plus)
Choking Game
Risky Business: The Choking Game (SAMHSA)
Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients (SAMHSA)Therapy Manual and Client Workbook, in English
Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients (SAMHSA)Therapy Manual and Client Workbook, in Spanish
Workbook, Spanish Controlling Anger (American Psychological Association)
Anger Management (Mayo Clinic)
Self-Injury/Cutting (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)
Cutting (Nemours Foundation)
How Can I Stop Cutting? (Nemours Foundation)
PTSD (Medline Plus)
PTSD (Medline Plus) – Spanish
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health (Medline Plus)
Bipolar Disorder (Medline Plus)
Child Mental Health (Medline Plus)
Delirium (Medline Plus)
Depression (Medline Plus)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Medline Plus)
Personality Disorders (Medline Plus)
Psychotic Disorders (Medline Plus)
Suicide (Medline Plus)
Teen Mental Health (Medline Plus)
Parent and Family Education Resources
Learn More
About Prevention
(watch this video)
Our Staff
Karla Rose, Executive Director
Melanie Cheek,
Director of Operations
Ashley Simpson,
PRC Program Director
Trisha Bos, Public Relations Coordinator
Cindy Frazier,
Data Coordinator
Other Texas PRCs
Our Location
104 Pine, Suite 500
Abilene, TX 79601
Click here for directions
Phone: (325) 673-2242
Toll Free: (800) 588-8728